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Staying at Airbnb eating somewhere else, where to light Chanukah licht


Lichvod HaRav shlita,

IyH I will be - together with my wife and children - with my brother for Chanukah.

Our sleeping arrangements are in a rented house a few blocks away from my brother's house, but all evening meals and Shabbos meals will be by my brother's house (except for maybe a meal or two by his in laws who also live right in that neighborhood).

My father, who will be with us in the rented house, is paying for the trip (plane tickets, food, house rental, etc.).

Where should we light Chanukah licht?

Thank you.




You should light in the apartment that you are staying, being that you are sleeping there and also eating there, the morning and after noon meals, therefore this is the place that you are now living.

Best wishes

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