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Cleanliness in the bathroom


I am contemplating on getting a surgery on my hand for carpal tunnel syndrome. I suffer from weakness in my hands, pins and needles and pain. This is the hand I use to clean myself. I feel the only way to achieve nekiyus is by using this hand. Believe me when I tell you that I don't have OCD but I clean myself very well. This hand will be immobilized for a few days after the surgery. I will not have a guf naki during this time. Am I allowed to daven make brochos, and put on tefillin during this time, or do we say "do the best you can" and be makayim all these mitzvos?




While we do have to get ourselves clean over there, it is hard to understand why it can't be done with the other hand. According to halacha, and the Steipler zt"l wrote this, that one has to wipe himself three times over there, and after that he can assume that he is clean. By the way, my apologies for writing this, but there is no need for a person to press when wiping himself, wipe what is on the outside and the rest is not your issue. Additionally, if you are nervous about this, if you will use a baby wipe, it will take care of everything, and you will be able to manage it with your other hand. Therefore you will be able to do all of the mitzvos, not b'dieved, but l'chatchila.

Best wishes and a refuah sheleima



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  1. I tried with the othe other hand and I cant reach. I also use wipes, and clean the pi hatabaas until I dont see anything anymore as it says in halacha. The mishna brurah says even a drop of tzoah is a problem. The Steipler meant 3 times without seeing anything. I know for a fact that my level of nekiyus will not be acheived in this state. Are you telling me it is still not a problem?

    1. The Steipler's proof to what he is saying is from the gemora that one only needs to bring three rocks into the bathroom. The gemora is not saying to wipe until you don't see three times (that is OCD)! The reason you havethis issue is most probably because you are pressing too hard. As an example, when cleaning a baby with a dirty daiper; how many times do you have to wipe the same area to get it clean? Not more than 3 times.

      1. Then why does the mishna brura say even a drop of tzoah renders one unclean?

        1. If the person didn't wipe themself properly, but the Steipler is telling us what is called properly!

  2. It seems to me that the Rav is blessed to have nice simple bowel movements which barely require any wiping.
    Personally I experience that maybe a couple of times a month and the rest of the time I need to do a lot more work to get myself clean. I imagine that Jacob has similar struggles. If that's the case, I think he has a legitimate question, which seems to be being dismissed rather than responded to.

    1. Maybe consider using a bidet, or a douche sprayer. They are commonly sold in Israel, in many hardware stores, and this will alleviate this issue. In fact, there are numerous shuls and yeshivos that have them installed in some bathrooms for this reason.

  3. also before getting a carpal tunnel surgery maybe look into the " sarno method " many people used it for carpal tunnel and it really worked!!

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