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Spilled milk on bag of meat


I put a bag containing milk and a raw meat in the refrigerator. Looking inside I see that the milk spilled on the shrink wrapped meat, and must have been there for around 2 days.
Do I need to be concerned that the milk went into the shrink wrap and then went through to the meat? The plastic was definitely not compromised but perhaps it’s like a hot meat pot and milk falling on the outside?




If the bag was without any holes, that the milk could seep through, then the meat is kosher to use, because we will not say that the milk penetrated through the plastic and got absorbed into the meat.

Best wishes

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  1. My question is that since it soaked the bag for 48 hours the bag becomes dairy and makes the meat not kosher. Just like a hot pot would transfer.

    1. A metal pot absorbs, plastic doesn't.

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