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Antisemitism and cursing as mockery


I was accused of sending abusive text messages in 2017. I didn't. Some texts said the Yiddish curse: May his name be erased, with the recipients name. I was profiled as Jewish by the police, although I am not, in ancestry maybe. Jewish was written as reason for suspecting me of crime. I thought these texts were antisemitic and meant to cause fear. But police described them as Jewish, I was wrongly charged and convicted, despite being in receipt of the same and hate speech inciting violence against me, and Jews. in trial the prosecution barrister read out the messages and the curse and name over and over again. Does this curse have to be said to be effective? If so did the prosecution barrister curse the prosecution witness? If a non Jew sent these are they antisemitic?




This incident sounds very disturbing and frustrating, but on the other hand it could be enlightening. In Jewish law a person that has Jewish maternal ancestry they are indeed considered Jewish, and eligible to all the rewards awaiting Jews when the Messiah comes and, in the afterlife, if they observe the Torah.  It might be worth your while to investigate your ancestry, and possibly your heritage and birthright. There might be a lot of opportunity that you aren’t aware of, and it is a shame not to capitalize on it, for your own benefit.

What you experienced seems to be wholly antisemitic, and even if a non-Jew sent it to someone else, it is still a form of a curse. Writing and saying essentially are the same. If they were sent by a non-Jew, if they are antisemitic, depends on who it was  sent to and its motive, if it was sent to another non-Jew because he wants to curse him, that is antisemitism, rather plain old hate.

Have a great day


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1 Comment

  1. Hello Rabbi,

    Thank you for your response. I believe the messages were sent to incite hatred against me and cause the receiver to think they were from me and cause fear. The curses I believe were included to cause fear, and all messages were antisemitic, and not plain hate. There is a cleverness in what this person did to the victims and me in that it fed hate that already existed. I appreciate your time and knowledge, and for writing back to me. Have a good day also.

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