Shemot chapter 22 has a remarkable pasuk about Hashem's punishment towards anyone who oppressed a widow or orphan.
- What constitutes " oppression"?
- Is there any way, an oppressed widow or orphan can find justice?
- Can an oppressor do teshuvah??
- What constitutes oppressing a widow or orphan, is by doing anything that will hurt them physically, emotionally or financially. Essentially, we have to be very careful when relating to a widow or orphan, not to hurt them in any way. They feel very vulnerable, because they feel that they are missing their protector, and any pain that is caused to them, hurts them terribly. Therefore, we have to be extra careful with them.
- “Finding justice” depends on the area of the injustice. But largely, Hashem is the one who says, that he is going to met out the “justice” to those who hurts his “children”.
- It is possible to do teshuva for all aveiros. In particular, if a person hurt a widow or orphan, the person has to first appease them, and make then feel good. If the person hurt them monetarily, to pay back the money. If it was emotionally, to go out of your way to make them feel good. After making them feel better, then the person can ask them forgiveness. Additionally as with all mitzvos between people that were transgressed the person also has to do teshuva to Hashem.
Best wishes
משנה ברורה סימן קנו ס"ק ד
חייב אדם להזהר ביתומים ואלמנות אפילו הם עשירים גדולים וכל המקניטן או מכעיסן או הכאיב לבן או רדה בהן או אבד ממונן עובר בל"ת וכש"כ המכה אותן או המקללן שנא' כל אלמנה ויתום לא תענון בד"א שעינה אותן לצרכו אבל כשעינה אותן הרב ללמוד תורה או אומניות או להוליכן דרך ישרה מותר ואעפ"י כן לא ינהג בהן מנהג כל אדם אלא יעשה להן הפרש וינהלם בנחת וברחמים גדולים אחד יתום האב ואחד יתום האם.