I want to pay the monthly vaad baayit in cash but he tells me he does not want to stand in line at the bank and demands I get cheques.
I do not use cheques only cash, debit or credit card.
Then he becomes rude!!!
I want to pay by cash only is this ok legally please?
He can not technically force you to pay with cheques, however, let’s be practical, and try to work it out so that it doesn’t turn into a fight, and people start getting rude. If you can ask a neighbour 9or even the one who runs the vaad bayit!) to double the amount of their check to the vaad bayit, and you will give them cash. Alternatively, make a bank transfer, or ask a neighbour to make the transfer for you.
Even if all of these options don’t work out, and even if you are right, nevertheless, let’s look at things from the angle of what would Hashem want us to do in this situation- to promote peace. If it means so much to the guy, to give him cheques, yo might want to consider getting cheques from the bank just for the shalom of it, even if you are right.
There is a story told about Rav Nisson Karelitz, one of the great poskim of the last generation. A man was sitting in his house, talking to him, when a neighbour entered and started talking very strongly to R’ Nisson. You painted, and poured the paint down the toilet, and it stuffed up my pipe. It cost my 300 shekels for the plumber to fix, and I want you to pay for it”. R’ Nisson instantly took out the 300 shekel and gave it to the man. After the man left, R’ Nisson told his guest, there are three reasons why I didn’t have to pay this man. First of all, paint doesn’t stuff up sewer pipes. Secondly, I don’t live on his side of the building, and his sewer line is not the same as the one for my apartment. Thirdly, I didn’t paint! The man then asked him,” so why did you give him the money? He answered for shalom.
Best wishes