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Muktza question


I have a chest of drawers and the legs are broken. When you open a drawer the whole chest shakes. I keep clothing on the top drawers and muktza items on the bottom drawers. Am I allowed to open the clothing drawers on shabbos if the force of opening it will make the bottom muktza drawers shake?




You may open the drawers, and there is no issue of muktza here. This is because even if the chest will move, you only moved it thru the movement of the drawer, which is called tiltul min hatzad, (indirectly moving an item) which is permitted if it is for the use of the non muktza item (l'tzorech ddvar hamutar).

Best wishes


ס' ש"ט סע' ד' ומ"ב ס"ק י"ז

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