I was reading an article about shaloshudis and came across the paragraph below:
In reconciling the Rambam’s opinion, the Aruch Hashulchan
cites the statement of the Tur (Orach Chaim 274), who writes
that Hashem ensured that each person was supplied with three
portions of mon for Shabbos, thereby indicating that one needs
to consume three meals on Shabbos. Based on this, the Aruch
HaShulchan suggests that the obligation to eat three meals was
established by Moshe, who based the enactment on the pattern
of the mon. While it remains an enactment of the Sages (and
perhaps from Moshe), the three meals are therefore reflected in
the Torah, giving the decree a special status.
I was wondering what the exact source for this is and in what sefer I would be able to find it.
Thank you so much,
I don’t know which sefer is being quoted here, but it might help you to look in Aruch Hashulchan 274-7. (He doesn’t say it exactly the way you are writing it, but it might be close.)
Best wishes