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Pushing someone to go to a din torah


I live in a building with many frum jews. B'H I do not have this issue but since it's an old building with an old system many apartments do not get adequate heat. My neighbors always complain about it ,some have moved because of it. Many have asked the frum building owner to fix the problem but (according to them) he keeps giving different excuses of why not now/they are working on it (I know it's been this way for many years).. heat is a major need, and I know if I was in this position I would speak to his Rav and/or take him to a din torah. should I push my neighbors to do that, or I shouldn't get involved because it can increase/create a machlokes?




You are permitted to advise the person to do what is in their best interest. You can also impress on them that the point here is not to get into a fight, rather that the issue should get resolved properly.

Best wishes

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