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Whats the source for Nedarim or Shevuot that are binding after doing something 3 times



Hi Rav, I don't know if it's ok to ask you research based questions however I saw that you guys were asked by someone here what seems to be regarding the binding nature of Shavuot and Nedarim by repeatetly doing an action 3 times. [1] I have been told similar that if you do some action at least 3 times you can bind upon your self a neder, or maybe its a chazzaka, or a shavua? What is the source of this though in the Gemara that if you so something three times it might be considered a chazaka or shavua or neder that you have to or should continue it's pattern? Also Is this called creating a custom? And if yes where does it say that customs have binding nature like a shavua or a neder or chazaka? Although, if it is considered chazaka, where does it say that it has the binding nature of a Shavua or a neder?




Here are some mareh mekomos. See Nedarim 15a, Tur and Shulchan Aruch Yore Deah 214-1.

Best wishes


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