Can a sibling decide to with hold the inheritance from another sibling because of any reason that is not a legal but personal one and if they do, do I take them to Beis Din? Of course, I would very much like to avoid this issue, if I already foresee it could happens, as both parents are still living, Baruch Hashem, is it best to just ask that my inheritance be put in an account that I can access at a future date? Also, it may be a good idea now to get a copy of their will and/or trust in case this sibling decides not to allow me to see it to verify the information or chas v'shalom does something illegal to it that excludes me?
Thank You
If your sibling is the executor of your parent will, that means that your parents, already made a will, which should be binding, and your sibling would have to follow it. Nevertheless, if you are afraid of something here, it would be best for you to speak to your parents about it in a gentle manner, and get clarity from them, what their plans are. It is possible for your parents to give you part of the inheritance while they are still alive, however it is not practical for them to give away everything that they have before meah v’esrim.
Best wishes