The Biur Halacha in 109 is mesupak about a case where one's Shmoneh Esrei is longer and he will miss Kedusha if he starts together with the congregation. My question is: If I start Krias Shema or Birchos Krias Shema with the rest of the kehilla, but they go so fast that I will start Shmoneh Esrei after they start, am I considered like the case of the gemara "one who comes to shul and finds them davening Shmoneh Esrei" or am I like the Biur Halacha's case because I started together with them and they just sped ahead of me?
You can rely on the fact hat your davening Shemona Esrei at this time is a part of the seder of davening, a stat Shemona Esrei when you get there.
Best wishes
Additional reading:
- Ending Shmoneh Esrei With Someone Davening Behind
- Stopping for Kaddish
- Pause During Maariv
- Tal U'motor for visitor to E. Israel
- Is a table considered a michichtzah while walking in front of someone davening shmoneh esrei
- If one missed or skipped parts of davening should say them after davening?
- Dressing for davening