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The newly released book “Exhilarating Torah Insights on Recreation and Vacation” is now available (as a paperback, hardcover and digitized version) for purchase and delivery on Amazon at or by sending a WhatsApp to +972 54 849 5217. Alternatively, you can call 054 849 5217 (Israel) or 917 732 2371 (United States) or send an email to [email protected].

This insightful and thought-provoking book delves into these questions and many more, offering profound insights. With over 50 meticulously crafted essays, it masterfully conveys the Torah’s perspective on recreation and vacation. As an indispensable guide, this work will enable readers to attain a deeper understanding of these important topics.

It makes a great gift for parents, siblings, friends, relatives, neighbors, business associates, acquaintances and learning partners. Purchase it at

Some of the questions discussed in this book are the following.

What role does recreation play in our service of Hashem?

What does the Torah teach us about music?

What lessons can we glean from specific types of recreation, such as sports?

Is there a mitzvah to take a vacation?

What does the Torah say about comedy and humor?

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To purchase any of the author’s books (hardcopy or e-book) and get it delivered to your door, please send an email to [email protected] or visit (where you can also see the reviews).

לעילוי נשמת שמואל אביגדור בן יצחק מאיר

These Torah articles can also be viewed in French and Hebrew atהורדות-עלונים.


Please send your feedback to [email protected].

Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’ Mordechai Friedlander ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg ztz”l. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for various websites and publications and is the author of the books, Fascinating Insights and Incredible Insights. His writings inspire people across the spectrum of Jewish observance to live with the vibrancy and beauty of Torah. He lives with his wife and family in a suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes, and teaches. The author is passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance.

Please feel free to print some copies of this publication and distribute them in your local shul for the public, thereby having a hand in spreading Torah.


The Drashos Chassam Sofer[1] tells us it is known that in a pomegranate there are 613 seeds corresponding to the 613 mitzvos. Similarly, the Malbim[2] writes that a pomegranate hints to the 613 mitzvos like the number of seeds it has.


However, if one opens up a pomegranate today, he may not find 613 seeds. How do we explain that? Nowadays due to sin, there aren’t 613 seeds there,[3] as R’ Yitzchak Isaac Yehuda Yechiel Safrin of Kamarna[4] (1806–1874) writes that if one doesn’t find 613 seeds there, it is because of a curse as in zanoh sizneh ha’aretz, the land is straying completely.[5]

[1] 2:249b. Also the Eitz Yosef on the Midrash in Shir Hashirim, 4:3, s.v. k’pelach.

[2] On Shir Hashirim 4:13.

[3] We have many examples of sin changing nature:

1) With the sin of Adam, thorns and thistles among other things came about (See Bereishis 3:17-18 with Rashi).

2) During the generation of the mabul, three Tefachim deep into the ground were also dissolved and washed away (Bereishis 6:13, Rashi), since due to people steeping so low spiritually, it affected the earth.

3) The Trisker Magid (Magen Avraham, Bereishis, s.v. va’yomer) writes that the reason for illness in the world is due to the change in climate, air. Air is classified under ruach which is categorized as dibbur, speech, as in Targum Onkolos who says ruach mi’malela, speaking spirit (Bereishis 2:7). Through damaging one’s speech (with falsehood, mockery and the like), it negatively affects the air (speech is done through air—the breath of our mouth) and sickness comes to the world. Through sanctifying one’s speech with Torah and tefilla, it fixes up the climate and removes illness from the world (See also Drashos Chassam Sofer, volume 2, p. 376, s.v. amru chazal). Incidentally, if we rearrange the word refuah we get ohr peh, light of the mouth.

[4] Zohar Chai, Vayechi, p. 390b.

[5] Hoshea 1:2.

Writer of the weekly Fascinating Insights Torah sheet in Englishעברית ,אידיש and français
image.gifimage.pngAuthor of Nine Books including the recently released "Exhilarating Torah Insights on Recreation and Vacation"

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