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Keeping government disability money given for child


Please don't post this question on the site- I have a son that is 18 years old. He was diagnosed with ASD and we receive kitzvat neichus (disabilty) from bituach leumi for him every month. Now at age 18 the law is that the money goes to his acccount but since we didn't re-apply they are still sending the money to the mother's account. He is not living at home (has his own apt. and pays for his own small expenses). However for larger expenses he is still relying on parents. He is aware that the money is still going to parents. He is struggling with yiddishkeit and not so stable so it would be not kedai to entrust him with large amounts of money. Does the money halachically belong to him or can the parents contiue to receive it and use it?




The money was given for he childs use and benefit, therefore you may keep it to use for the child's expenses etc.

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