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Deducting Brokerage Fees Maaser Capital Gain


Dear Rabbi,
Gut Voch, (Just so there is no doubt or moris aiyin, I am in Melbourne Australia and Shabbos came out a few gours ago)
I have made a capital gain on an investment and need to pay maaser, please can you tell me if I am able to deduct the brokerage fee i incurred when buying the shares. The amount for just the shares were $506.91 +4.99. And sold for a total of $549.01. The reason for not deducting the brokerage when selling is because it was automatically deducted from the sale trade.
Thank you



A brokerage fee may be deducted from the net profit that was gained, as it is a valid business expense. If the brokerage fee is already factored in to price that you were given as the sale price, then that expense was already factored into your profit. Therefore, if the commission is already included in the 549.01 price, then you would not factor it in, otherwise you can deduct it.
Best wishes


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