Is it unethical to purchase or wear (such as when given as a gift) fake brand name clothing?
Perhaps the people who made it are considered stealing and whoever buys or wears it is participating?
Purchasing fake brand clothing etc., it problematic, because it essentially encourages the thieves to continue doing their unethical practice, as if people wouldn’t buy it, they would look for a different business. It is true that one who buys from them is in a way participating in their crime. However, if one got the item as a gift, as far as he is concerned, if it would be real or fake, he didn’t buy it, therefore that would seem to be permitted.
Best wishes
ב"ק קי"ח ע"ב, ור"מ הל' גניבה פ"ה, וע חו"מ ס' שנ"ו סע' א'.