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Correcting a Mistaken Transaction

If you get too much change or some one does a business transaction wrong should you tell them? If you do keep the extra money form the transaction is this considered stealing if it was the other person’s fault? Answer: With a Jewish counterpart you would be obligated to point out the error and keeping […]

Heter Iska on Bank Loans

I assist borrowers in obtaining HELOC loans from Citizens Bank. I don’t work for the bank I’m a independent contractor and get paid from the borrowers directly. recently someone told me they heard that someone getting a loan from Citizens Bank needs a heter iska – he told me it was an email he received […]

Mezuza on Support Beams

I am moving into a house that has a line of support pillars in the basement holding up a long support beam, effectively resulting in multiple tzuros hapesach (no doors). Does each pillar require a mezuza? Answer: No mezuza would be required on such tzuros hapesach [entrance ways]. Sources: SHulchan Aruch Y:D 286:6, Shoel Umaishiv […]

Morrano Converts

BS´D Good afternoon. This is my question: A ger, whose lastnames maybe descend (not sure) from those jews who were forced to convert to catholicism during inquisition in spain, is he allowed to adopt ashkenazic minhagim, specially if his rabonim who are guiding him are ashkenazim? thanks sincerely yours Answer: Yes, he may adopt Ashkenazi […]

Eruv Chatzerot in Apartment Building

Do we, who live in an apt. building, require eruv chazeirot/shituf mevo’ot? Answer: If you live in an area that has a community wide eruv, this would mean that whoever made the eruv, i.e. the tzuras hapesachs around the community, also arranged for a communal shituf mavo’os. Without this, the tzuros hapesach would not help […]

Distilled Water

Does “Distilled water” need a Hechsher? or pose a problem of bishul akum? (my understanding of distilled water is that it’s purity comes from it’s being cooked to a steam then afterward collected) Answer: While it is customary to purchase all products with a hechsher when possible, pure water, including distilled does not require a […]

Reading Onkelos

Regarding Shayim Mikra V’Echad Targum: if I do not understand Aramaic, is it still worthwhile to read Unkelos, or is it preferable for me to read another commentary that I understand? Answer: It is still worthwhile to read Unkelos. In addition, you should supplement as much of Rashi as possible, in addition to Unkelos. Sources: […]