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Laws of Tzedakah Part II: To Whom To Give First

Recent times have brought something of a revolution in charity giving. Instead of the personal, local giving that was always the basic norm for making donations, various tzedakah organizations (both local and nationwide) have attempted to convince charity givers nation- (in Israel) and world-wide to give them charity donations for distribution among the needy. The publicity […]

Laws of Tzedakah Part I: The Basic Obligation

Even the destitute must fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah. Although someone without income and reliant on charity is not subject to the obligation (or custom) of maaser kesafim, ((The details of the obligation or custom of giving (at least) a tenth of one’s income to charity will be dealt with in a later shiur.))  he remains obligated in the […]

Selling Chametz – Why and How?

The Torah forbids a Jew, during Pesach, from either owning chometz or deriving benefit from his chometz. However, people often own chometz which they do not want to discard or burn. Over the generations, rabbanim have developed a mechanism – selling chometz to a gentile – to enable Jews to abide by these Torah laws […]

Laws of Mechiras Chametz – Hebrew

1. בזמנינו המנהג למנות ((בעבר כל אדם היה מוכר את חמצו לגוי באופן פרטי, אך מפני שלא כל אדם יודע כיצד למכור באופן המועיל, הנהיגו שהרב יהיה שליח למכור את החמץ לגוי. היו מגדולי ישראל, שעל אף הקלקולים העדיפו שכל אדם ימכור את חמצו בצורה עצמאית עיין שדי חמד מערכת חו”מ ט,ו. בזמנינו המנהג בכל […]

Maaser – expenses from selling real estate

Question: Hi, I have sold a home and was wondering what expenses were allowed before calculating ma’aser. Specifically, I wanted to ask about a commission paid to a real estate agent to buy or sell the home, the purchase tax (in Israel) at the time of a home purchase, the lawyer fees paid to administer […]

Liability and the Requirement to Testify in Cases of Medical Malpractice

Question A number of years ago, a brain-damaged child was delivered in England to a religious Jewish couple. After six years of suffering and expenses by the parents, the doctor who delivered the baby, accompanied by a friend, appeared on Erev Yom Kippur, admitted his guilt and asked the parents for forgiveness. Since the doctor […]