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Beracha on cereal and milk, ice cream sandwich

Question: When you are eating cereal & milk, are two Brochos made? Which comes first? What about an ice cream sandwich? Thanks. Answer: Hello, When eating cereal and milk, only a beracha on the cereal is made since the milk is considered secondary. Regarding the beracha on an ice cream sandwich, it depends on your […]

Food that was touched before morning washing

Question: Hello, I am now learning and observing more laws. If I used to buy food before washing three times, is the food still ok to eat? For example, I bought peanut butter, chocolate, frozen vegetables before knowing the law. Are they ok? Thank you very much Answer: Hello, If you touched the actual food […]


Question: Can someone say TEHILLIM for praying purposes in the early morning before saying Birchat Hatorah? When is the earliest time to say BIRCHAT HATORAH? Answer: Hello, A person should not say Tehillim until after saying Bircas Hatorah. There is no earliest time to say Bircas Hatorah. Birkas Hatorah should be said when a person […]

Morning Netilas Yada’im when planning on going back to sleep

Question: Hello, I woke up very early and accidentally rubbed my nose and then I used the bathroom, hoping (but not confident) that I would go back to sleep. Therefore, I did not do the morning wash at that time. I ended up not falling asleep so my wash was quite delayed as I stayed […]

Lashon Hora spoken about a group of people – continued

Question: Thank you for answering my question ( I had a follow up question, I was under the impression that if a person spoke loshon hora one of the things they should do is go back to the person who they told the lashon hora to and correct what they said/apologize and say they were […]

playing a game on Shabbos that usually involves an electronic device

Question: hi this question (two parts) came up. saw in Seforim that a card game which normally involves writing should not be played on Shabbos due to fear of coming to write 1-is this limited to writing, what if person usually uses a electronic device to keep score? 2- they were playing on Shabbos and […]

Lashon hara to share Yelp Reviews with business partner

Question: Hi if there’s a Jewish owned company, and your partner wants to make a significant purchase from them, and you happen to look on Yelp and see that there many many bad reviews, I know you’re not allowed to believe the reviews, but if your partner keeps asking why you don’t want to buy […]