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Case of damage (from a ben Noach)

Question: Dear Rabbi, I’m a ben Noach. When it rains, the water streams from neighbors’ balcony to my grandma’s balcony. So, my uncle and me built a little barrier that stops the water from flooding her property. But I thought that so the water could gather only on her neighbors’ balcony and could cause more […]

Salad perepared with meaty equipment to eat with fish

Question: Hi. I recently bought a Israeli salad which is prepared in the store itself, however on the label it says that everything is prepared with fleishig equipment. I was wondering if there would be a problem of mixing it with tuna fish.   Answer: Hello, You may eat it with tuna fish. It is […]

Giving kavod when entering or exiting a shul or bais medrash?

Question: Recently I was inside a shul. The Rav (who is also a Kohen) was also inside the shul. We approached the door at the same time to leave. I motioned for him to go out the door before me, l’khvod HaRav. As he was leaving, he smiled and said that it’s not such a […]

Is the status of Av HaTumah limited to a person?

Question: If an item (e.g. bread) touches a corpse, does that item become Av Hatumah or a Rishon l’Tumah?   Answer: Hello, The only things that become an av hatumah when touching a corpse are items that can be toveled and made tahor in a mikva. Therefore food, and pottery (kli cheres) which cannot become […]

Eat unwashed supermarket fruit

Question: Can you eat supermarket fruit without washing it since it was already washed before it came to the supermarket at least once, usually many times?   Answer: Hello, The reason for washing fruit, aside from general cleanliness, (as it might have fallen on the floor, and/or was handled by numerous hands between the tree […]

Sweeping up food with ants on Shabbos

Question: If I am sweeping up food remnants on Shabbos, and I notice that there are ants crawling around in the food, is it permissible to dispose these food remnants into a garbage can, or would it be prohibited since it would be trapping the ants? And would it matter if a different type of […]

Giving mitzvah merits to a sick parent

Question: Is it permissible to give the merit of a mitzvah to the benefit of a sick parent so that they should have a refuah shleimah? I know it mentions this in the gemara about one giving tzedaka so that someone should live, but what about other mitzvos? Is there a particular mitzvah which is […]

Any hope for people who say, “I will sin then repent, sin then repent”?

Question: What happens to somebody who really says to himself, “I will sin then repent, sin then repent,” then does exactly so numerous times, however, later on realizes that this was his biggest mistake in life without a doubt, feels true genuine regret, begins to live an honest and upright life, is humble to himself […]

Bishul akum on potato kugel

Question: Is potato kugel considered oleh al shulchan melachim?   Answer: Hello, It seems that it is. First of all, according to some poskim, foods that are served at a smorgasbord would be considered oleh al shulchan melachim, and potato kugel is often served at a smorgasbord, (R’Y.Belski zt”l) or at a chasuna (R’ M. […]

Buying My First Tefillin – Beit Yosef or AriZal

Question: Hi Rabbi, I come from a non-observant family and am starting to reconnect with Jewish traditions and would like to buy tefillin. However, because it’s been a couple of generations since anyone in my family was observant, I do not know whether my family would use Beit Yosef or AriZal tefillin. My entire family […]

Do oil vegan probiotic drop need heksher?

Question: My toddler has been struggling with a sensitive stomach and I was recommended a brand of probiotics that is not kosher certified but was told that should be okay because it might fall in category of medicinal and is plant based. The product name is BioGaia: this are the ingredients Sunflower oil, medium chain […]

Am I required to let people know when I’m sick?

Question: I personally dislike letting people know when I am unwell. Am I required to inform them so they can have kavana for the mitzvah of bikur cholim, or can they fulfill it without having the kavana? Also- are there other reasons I would need to inform people? Clarification: I am taking necessary health precautions […]

Is someone who lives from tzedaka obligated to give maaser?

Question:   Unfortunately, I live from tzedaka, and have very little extra funds. Am I obligated to give maaser nevertheless? Isn’t maaser on money just a custom and not a real mitvah? What about past years where no maaser was given at all? Exactly how is masser calculated? Is it dollar per dollar, or after […]

Using feminine form of verb when saying 13 principles

Question: I live in Israel and speak Hebrew. When I daven I recently started saying the 6 zechirot and 13 ikarim after aleinu. Should I say “ani maamina” or “ani maamin” ? Since I speak Hebrew it seems wrong to me to say “ani maamin”. Answer: Hello, Interesting point. Although grammatically what you are writing […]

Regarding question

Question: By segulah I was referring to a source that brings down that it is permitted to test Hashem by promising to give maaser if Hashem will grant him financial profit. I don’t remember at this moment where this source is. Therefore, my question was if it is permitted to test Hashem in this way […]