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Stain treat blouse week of Tisha bav Sunday (previous Tuesday stain treat)

Question: Can I stain treat as soon as possible my good white summer blouse of which I only have one, from blackberries which will ruin shirt forever unwearable. It’s Tuesday, Tish BAv is Sunday?  Answer: It is permitted not only to stain treat, but also to wash out the stain (only). Spot cleaning is permitted […]

Wearing Stockings

Question: Hi. my wife was wondering if we could get the מ”מ on the חיוב of wearing stockings? Kol Tuv Answer:   Here are some mareh mekomos.   משנה ברורה סימן עה ס”ק ב (ב) לכסותו – אבל פניה וידיה כפי המנהג שדרך להיות מגולה באותו מקום וכן בפרסות רגל עד השוק [והוא עד המקום […]

Properly using an internet filter

Question: Is it permissible to use a filtered or internet-free computer where one can restore the unfiltered internet at will? (Examples: A computer where the internet application is just temporarily removed/hidden, an internet filter that can be turned on and off easily) If this is not permissible, then is it effective to make the filter […]

What may be done after Tisha B’av which is on Shabbat and fast is on Sunday

Question: Hello, When can one shower and do laundry after the Tisha B’av fast this year? Can one go for a walk on Shabbat even though 9 Av is Shabbat? (I read it is only permitted when 9 Av is Sunday, not Saturday) Answer: Hello, This year since Tisha B’av is really the tenth day […]

Follow up to the siyum online question

Question: Regarding meat at the meal of a siyum, that a person hearing the siyum on the internet or on Zoom is not considered partaking in the siyum and cannot eat meat. Would a bris be any different? Can someone watching a bris on zoom partake of their own fleishig food? How about if […]

Buying sportswear in the 9 days

Question: Hi, I’m travelling overseas this coming Thursday for camp (we’re not gonna have activities till Monday) and I still need to buy some sportswear (bathing suit, sweatpants, sport tzizis) that I didn’t come around to buy before the 9 days. Am I allowed to buy it in the 9 days since it’s not nice […]

Siyum Masechta online to allow eating meat

Question: Shavua Tov! Is there any online Siyum massechta on 4th august I can join?   Answer: Hi, Hearing a siyum or watching it online is not going to permit eating meat during the nine days. The reason why one may at meat when at a siyum, is not because he heard the siyum, but […]

Fidgeting: Torah Study, Davening, and Its Broader Context

Question: For those of us who fidget, either for mental health or some other reason, is it permissible to use a fidget tool during periods of Torah study? This is of course under the assumption that the fidget is aiding ones concentration or ability to function rather than acting as a toy or distraction. I […]

Removal of hair on Shabbos

Question: Must one must be concerned about hair coming out (on shabbos)in the following situations. 1) in bed (in a case where hair does come out ) 2) scratching one’s head 3)after going to the bathroom and maintaining a guf naki Additionally would it be a pesik reisha  delo neicha le if you don’t want […]

Buying household accessories such as artificial plants during the 3 Weeks

Question: May one buy artificial plants to enhance the appearance of one’s home during the 3 Weeks   Answer: Hello, Halachically it is permitted to but such plants, during the three weeks, (unless it is so nice and expensive that you would say shehechiyanu on it). It would be a pious thing to avoid, however […]

Is continual financial failure a chillul Hashem

Question: I know of a person who continually goes into debt to the tune of Millions of dollars and then cannot pay the debts so goes into bankruptcy, this happens about once every 5 years over the past 40 years. This person has ensured he has a high profile in the Jewish and general community, […]

“Al na timna…” – was it the invitation or not?

Question: Rabbonim of the Din Online: There are various interpretations, why the rage of Almighty flared against Bilam. Parashat Balak, Ba Midbar 22:16: …אל נא תמנע מהלך אלי. Ba Midbar 22:20: …אם לקרא… Was it the invitation, or not? “Im likro” – means: “if You are invited?” And “al na”, actually, means: “please!” Or “if […]

Do Seventh-day Adventists deserve the death penalty?

Question: Tractate Sanhedrin 58b says that “a Gentile who keeps the Shabbat deserves the death penalty”, does this include Sabbatarian Christians such as Seventh-day Adventists? Wouldn’t it be unfair to kill Sabbath-keeping Gentiles because they believe they should keep Shabbat? Answer: Seventh-day Adventists would not be liable for the death penalty, because they would have […]

כבוד אב ואם

Question: This week I was learning כתובות דף צו which is quoted in יורה דעה סימן רמב:כ that whoever stops תלמידו from assisting him withholds/impedes from his doing חסד and removes from him יראת שמים. I was unable to find in הלכות כבוד אב ואם a corresponding הלכה for parents. Is there such a thing […]

Receiving jewelry from a man you aren’t married to

Question: What are the halachot of accepting jewelry from a guy you are not married to?   Answer: Without getting into the actual tznius issues, of why would a boy who a girl is not married to give her jewelry… (unless they are planning to get married). However the only other halachic issue that I […]

Milchig spatula, parve food, flieshig pan

Question: I cooked fries (parve) on a flieshig pan (eino ben yomo) and used a milchig spatula (probably ben yomo, unsure) to pick up the fries from the pan while the fries were still hot. The fries were sitting on top of parchment paper.   Answer: Hi, Needless to say, l’chatchila this should not be […]