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Question: I would like to move the leichter off my Shabbos table for the morning seudah after the candles are burned out, so I could change the tablecloth etc. Could I leave an expensive ring on the tray where the leichter are standing, on Erev Shabbos, which would make it a bosis for something valuble […]

Davening in a place that smells when the person has a loss of smell

Question: If I can’t smell anything do I have to stop davening and learning if I pass wind that may objectively smell?   Answer: Thank you for your question. It is permitted for you to daven or learn over there. The reason is because wind that was passed is considered a “reiach aein bo ikar” […]

Mikva for men on erev Yom Tov

Question: Is mikvah for men before Yom Tov D’oreisa?   Answer: Thank you for your question. During the time of the Bais Hamikdash when everyone would eat from the korbanos, and whoever entered the Bais Hamikdash, they were obligated min Hatorah to purify themselves. This is brought in mesechet Rosh Hashana 15b, and the Rambam. […]

Disposing soup or cholent during Shemitah

Question: How does one dispose of soup or cholent during the Shemitah year that contains vegetables that have kedushas shiviis? Is just leaving it out on the counter overnight sufficient to then discard it in the regular garbage? Answer: Thank you for your question. Since the soup has kedushas shviis it may not be placed […]

Doubt about the Moshiach era

Question: A doubt, in the days of Moshiach it says that he will exterminate evil and there will be only Good (Zecharyah 13:2, (Sukah 52a, Yeshayahu 25:8, 40:5, Shabbat 30b; Ketubot 111b, Avodas HaKodesh, v2 chapter 38), But in Devarim 15:11 it tells us that there will never cease to be beggars on earth, how […]

Rosh Hashanah food

Question: Hello Rabbi. Are any of the following NOT permitted between Rosh Hashanah and Simchat Torah? Peanut butter Purple grapes Chickpeas, Onion Salad dressing with vinegar used in sweet sauce, Cole slaw with vinegar that is tangy. Thank you   Answer: Thank you for your question. Before getting to the specific foods that you are […]

World Problems and Messianic Times

Question: Hi, What do Chachamim say will happen to worldwide issues such as pollution, Global Warming, other environmental issues, overpopulation, medical research, space exploration etc – will those issues vanish once Moshiach sits on the throne in Yerushalayim? If so, and, if the majority opinion is that Moshiach must come within 220 years, does it […]

Why is a heter for contraception necessary

Question: Hi, I have heard many times that in order for a woman to use a contraceptive pill, a heter is required from a moreh horaah. I understand the need with regard to halachically questionable forms of contraception, but I don’t understand why this is necessary in the instance of using a pill. If someone […]

Must I pay for a medical visit when the exam was not performed?

Question: I made an appointment for my annual visit with a local eye doctor to update my prescription. I said I cannot wear a mask because I become hypoxic. The nurse suggested I wear it as long as I could and then the doctor would step outside and give me a chance to breathe and […]

Israelis doing business in the Diaspora on yom tov sheini

Question: I’m an author who lives in Israel and I plan to be in Israel for Sukkos. One of my books has been selected to be part of an email marketing campaign in the United States that will take place on yom tov sheini. The company sponsoring the campaign isn’t a Jewish company, but there […]