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Plugging in urn right before Shabbos

Question: if someone forgot to plug the hot water urn before shabbos and they realize it about 10 minutes before shkiah can they then plug it in even though the water will boil up when shabbos begins Answer: According to most poskim, if the urn doesn’t have adjustable setting it should be permitted, because there […]

Potential danger vs. embarassing another

Question: My (5 year old )daughter she’t’chiyeh has a good friend, and I am friends with her mother. She frequently invites us over. She is very kind and I really appreciate her friendship. The problem is that their apartment is infested with roaches, which for whatever bizarre reason seems to not bother them. They are […]


Question: By a city-wide eruv in chu”l, is one able to rely on sechiras reshus from a government official or any other similar position? Additionally, if one is relying on telephone wires as a koreh on lechi’s, is it a problem if the wires are sagging down or moving in the wind? Answer: Regarding renting […]

Borer of 2 of the same item (for most people)

Question: Shalom. If one has 2 of the same item that are mixed together, but these 2 items are viewed by a small minority as different, would it be considered a mixture for the majority? what about for one that is part of a minority. Example: 2 pieces of chicken grilled slightly differently [1 medium/rare, […]

Kashrus vs. Not Embarrassing Another Yid and Accepting Converts

Question: Many Yidden keep very strict kashrus. Many of these Yidden embarrass baalei teshuva and converts by not accepting food gifts from them, rejecting offers for Shabbos and Yomim Tovim, and do not allow them to use their cooking appliances for fear their kashrus is not up to the same level as their own. This […]

Zman Mincha on Erev Shabbos

Question: When is the best time to daven mincha after candle lighting on Erev Shabbos? Five minutes after? Ten minutes after? Answer: It is best to daven mincha as early after candle lighting as possible, because then you can be mekabel Shabbos a little longer before shkiya (sunset). There are opinions that one should try […]

Eating veggie dish from (kosher) Chinese take-out

Question: If I order a strictly noodle-and-veggie dish that they presumably cook in a fleishig wok, does that make me fleishig (6hr wait before dairy)? I believe the custom is to rinse out the wok between uses. Does the wok make the veggie dish fleishig? Answer: The wok will make the noodle dish fleishig, and […]

Abiding to COVID regulations in Shule

Question: Hi, I live in Australia where the COVID rules are currently very strict. Masks must be worn indoors. From a halachic point of view, am I obligated to daven with a minyan when many mispalelim of my Shule do not wear masks? (Minyanim are also limited due it being summer and people are away) […]

Use meat knife with Dairy Equipment pareve spread

Question: Can a meat knife be used to apply a pareve-but-dairy-equipment spread (vegan “cream cheese” that is not charif)? Does this affect the status of the knife at all? Can the knife, with residue from the D.E. spread, be washed in a meat sink afterwards? Answer: Technically it can be used and washed in a […]

Food heated up by gentile on Shabbos

Question: Cruise offers kosher airline meal type meals for daily lunch and dinner. Is it halachically permissible to eat if warmed up by non-Jew on Shabbos (presumably with microwave)? Answer: We are not allowed to benefit from melacha that a gentile does for us on Shabbos. Therefore he can eat the food but only after […]

Going to the right while holding the sefer torah

Question: Can you please provide a source for the widespread custom of walking the sefer Torah on the right side of the bima both to and from? is it simply an application of the bigger concept of kol pinah? Or is it brought down particularly in respect to hava’as sefer Torah? Answer: The minhag is […]

Shekhitah for a non shochet

Question: shalom, based on that text: לימוד שחיטה בהתכתבות הרב יעקב משה טולדנו פסק לסוחר מספרד שמותר לו ללמוד שחיטת עופות למרות שאינו תלמיד חכם כדי שיוכל לשחוט לעצמו. ומצטט את רבי יעקב אבן-צור שכותב שגם אשה יכולה לשחוט. הרב טולדנו ביקש את חוות דעתו של רבי  רפאל אנקאווא שהיה אז במרוקו וכך השיב הרב: […]

Is it appropriate to spank a child for chutzpa or defiance?

Question: Is it appropriate to spank a child for chutzpa or defiance? Answer: Thank you for your question. In the topic of chinuch, the cardinal rule is as the posuk says “chanoch lenar al pi darco”, “teach a child according to his way”. Therefore, each child and situation is different and has to be weighed […]

Which comes first Al Hamichya or Borei Nefashos

Question: What happens if I’ve ate a meal without bread. For instance, spaghetti and tomato sauce with a side of potato salad. What would be the after bracha. Each one has to fall into separate categories. For example, Al Hamichya and Borei nefashos. Would this be the proper way of doing this? Thank you. Answer: […]

Is one piece of bread sufficient for it to count as a “bread meal”?

Question: Hello, Is one piece of bread sufficient for it to count as a “bread meal”? Thank you! Answer: One slice of bread is definitely enough to make your meal a bread meal. If one ate a “k’zayis”- (lit. an olive worth) of bread it is considered a bread meal. An olive’s worth is about […]