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Jigsaw Puzzle of a Japanese Budhist Temple?

Question: Is it permitted to make a jigsaw puzzle of a zen japanese temple, would it be considered עבודה זרה? Answer: It is would technically be permitted, however from a Jewish halachic aspect it is a very distasteful thing to make. We are to distance ourselves from avoda zara in every way possible. Building such […]

not absolutely necessary food purchase on chol hoamoed

Question: hello, is it permitted to buy food on chol hoamoed even if it could have been purchased before? (e.g. if we buy ice cream to have during the week even though it is not perishable and therefore could have been bought before yom tov?) We do not NEED it. Answer: Food items may be […]

Various chol hamoed questions

Question: B”H Thank you for your help. Regarding permissible activities on chol hamoed: 1. May a person move/ sort/ organize boxes of papers/ books/ items stored in order to beautify a room in the house (essentially moving boxes of things not needed for the holiday from one room to another) for the purpose of making […]

Making a koshekol on chol hamoed

Question: Is it permitted to make a koshekol on chol hamoed for the arba minim? Does it matter if it’s “easy” for the person to make? Answer: It is permitted to make a koshikol, because it is tzorech mitzva overes, needed for a time related mitzva. A gut moed Sources: O:CH 545-3

Patur from sukkah if sun gives headache

Question: I very easily get headaches from even very short amounts of time in the sun. Am I patur from eating in the sukkah whilst the sukkah is still the sun? Thanks for this great service Answer: Something doesn’t sound right. Your succah should not have so much sun, and even if one part of […]

Bracha on smelling Esrog on Succos

Question: Can the Rav please clarify whether after shaking the lulav and esrog, people should be discouraged from smelling the esrog, as per the end of OC siman 116 that says it’s a safek whether to make a bracha? Also, even if someone is holding an esrog not for the mitzva, but just to smell, […]

Chol Hoamoed Sukkot meals

Question: Hello, I am new to much of these observances and have read conflicting things. During chol hoamoed, it is an obligation to eat two bread meals, or is that just considered “even better”? And does it apply to women, even though not obligated to eat in the Sukkah? Thank you for your time. Answer: […]

Second day of Yom Tov

Question: I want to know if on the second day of Sukkot and on Shemini Atzeret it is off-limits on Yom Tov and that includes switching on or off electrical appliances, driving a car, going to work, handling money and writing. The major differences between the two are cooking and baking, lighting a fire from […]

Eating fish cooked with fleishig utensils after drinking coffee in a milchig mug

Question: Is it an issue if you eat fish and salad prepared with a fleishig knife after you drink black coffee in a milchig mug? Answer: No it is not an issue. Drinking a black coffee will not make you milchig, even if it was in a milchig mug. Have a good yom tov

Eating Kosher in Sukkah

Question: I am in the process of becoming more observant of the Mitzvos, including Kashrut, however my family’s kitchen isn’t completely Kosher and it is very hard for me to access kosher food so often I end up eating non-kosher food. However, on Sukkos I would like to fulfill the obligation of sitting and eating […]

Can Hoshanos be said by someone davening at home?

Question: Can Hoshanos be said by someone davening at home and if yes, can or should they hold Arba Minim whilst doing so Thank you Answer: You can say hoshanos when daveng at home, and you should hold the  Arba minim when saying them. Have a good Yom Tov

Hot Pareve pot, flieshig fork

Question: Cooked pasta in pareve pot. Accidentally used clean Stainless steel flieshig fork from drainer to stir food while boiling. Fork was Not used since day before. Unsure when fork was last used. Since from drainer most likely was used yesterday. Possibly with meat food. Is pot still pareve? Can left over of that pasta […]

Follow up to original urn question

Question: Hi I forgot an an important piece of information regarding my original message about the urn so I’ll repost the whole message about that and add that piece of information which may or may not change original psak So I mistakenly put the wrong disposable hot cup under my urn this morning to make […]

Times of Divine Judgement and Mercy

Question: I’m having some trouble comprehending the Kabbalistic concept of HaShem’s different attributes at different times of day. Supposedly HaShem’s Divine Mercy occurs after midnight (hence why there is the opinion that selichot should only be said after this time). Could you please explain this concept – where is it from and where is it […]

Milky microwave – parev toaster

Question: Can I defrost bread in a milky microwave and then toast it in a parev toaster? Lchatchila would this be ok? And bdieved would it? Thank you Answer: It is a risky thing to do, because if the microwave has milk spilled on the bottom of the plate etc. then the bread is actually […]

Pasuk for Shmone Esrei

Question: What pasuk do I say in shemoneh esrei corresponding to my name? My name in devoireh braindel bas mirel faigel Answer: For דבורה- “דאגה בלב איש ישחנה ודבר טוב ישמחנה” (משלי י”ב-כה) בריינדל- “במקהלות ברכו אלהים ד’ ממקור ישראל” (תהלים 68- 27) Sources:  

Is there power to yud gimmel middos recited without a minyan and said with “trop”

Question: You posted a question about reciting the yud gimmel middos without a minyan and you posed the question, is there the same “power” to the yud gimmel middos recited alone and you never answered that. Can you please. Does the yud gimmel middos recited alone in quarantine effectuate the same koach or power as […]

forgiving or ignoring a narcissist

Question: Hi, there’s a lot of background to this question that’s nec. to show where I’m coming from for, so PLS read it all first! the question(s) is at the end. Thank you very very much! Hi, Sorry for the long question but it’s a lot of background, that’s nec. to show where I’m coming […]

Corn stalks used for Halloween for Schach

Question: A gardening nursery near my home is selling corn stalks for a non Jewish holiday called Halloween as a decoration. I do not know if it’s cut specifically for Halloween or not? Can it be purchased for scach l’chatchila? Please answer me ASAP. Thank you Answer: They are permitted to buy and use for […]

Donating to Hebrew free loan society – which mitzvah?

Question: Is donating a small sum to a Hebrew free loan society considered the mitzvah of tzedekah or the mitzvah of giving a loan? Answer: Essentially it is the mitzvah of giving a free loan, however if the person getting the loan is poor it would also be included in If the money is loaned […]

Fulfilling orders on Chol Hamoed

Question: Hi, is one allowed to fulfill online orders during chol hamoed? What would be the din if delaying fulfilling orders would affect your ratings, and by extension further sales? Answer: Essentially we should not be involved in business on chol hamoed unless it is needed for the chag. If not fulfilling the orders will […]

Others potentially working on holidays

Question: Hello, I asked the assistant in my office to do something today and, because it involves multiple people and steps, it is possible that someone will end up working on it on Yom Kippur or another holiday. Is this a problem because the request came from me (even though I did not ask on […]

Do i have to fast since i am still recovering from covid

Question: recovering from covid Answer: You definitely have to fast. Regarding taking shiurim of liquids, that depends on your present condition, general health etc. and it should be discussed with your local doctor and rov.. Take care of this quickly ,because Sunday is already erev Yom Kippur. Gmar chasima tova an drefuah shleima Sources: