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Counting sefira with a bracha when in doubt if one counted the day before or not.

Question: One who has a safek on a certain day if he counted sefira keeps counting with a bracha. Why don’t we say – there is a chazaka that he did NOT count, if he has no recollection of having counted and it is so easy to forget? The same way by other things we […]

Until when can u make Brucha on a budding tree

Question: Until when can u make Brucha on a tree? Answer: L’chatchila the bracha should be said during Chodesh Nissan, however if it wasn’t said, then the last time to say the bracha will depend if the person has already seen budding or growing fruits that year. If one did not see any budding fruit […]

Minyan and “essentials”

Question: Considering that all the “essential” stores are open, especially the highly “essential” liquor stores, and people are shopping there, and the “essential” busses and trains are running and are packed with people, and the “essential” parks are open and packed, and some people are taking “essential” walks without masks and without being makpid on […]

Interest on Bituch Leumi child deposits

Question: A couple of years ago, in article, you said all savings loans in banks in Israel are ok with no problem of Ribbis. Is this still true today? Answer: What was written there is still applicable, that all banks in Israel have a heter iska, nevertheless it is still better to make a […]

Koshering items that have not been used for years made of “un-kosherable” material?

Question: My family has inherited a number of pieces of china and other ceramic dishes, plates, and glasses inherited from a beloved relative who unfortunately did not keep kosher. We have had these items in storage for many years and would like to not have to sell/throw the items away, as they have immense sentimental […]

Making pagum the taam in old china dishes

Question: Regarding kashering old china keilim, on May 29 2017 you answered that “china is a material that cannot be kashered. The reason being, that it is a type of material that absorbs a lot and doesn’t expel what it absorbs”. That being the case, why would it not be possible to have the keilim […]

Starting the meal when making an early Shabbos

Question: What is the earliest time that I can do Kiddush on Friday night? For example, if candle lighting is at 7:20pm and sunset is at 7:38pm, am I able to do Kiddush between 7:20pm and 7:38pm? Or do I have to do Kiddush after 7:38pm, or even nightfall? Thank you. Answer: Technically you can […]

Magan Avos – No Minyan

Question: If someone is not davening with a minyan on Friday night, can he/she say Magan Avos without the beginning and ending brachos? Thank you. Answer: Yes he may say the paragraph of Magen Avos without the paragraphs before and after it even when one is davening without a minyan. Essentially the whole part from […]

Haircut in Omer for Shabbat Rosh Hodesh

Question: Follow-up on this question: Is there an exception to haircutting, shaving during the Omer on Friday when Rosh Hodesh (Iyar) falls on Shabbat (see Siman 493, MB (5), end of first se’if) for the common custom of keeping the first 33/34 days? Answer: Excellent point! That is very correct. This year he would have a  […]

Muktzah with Korban Pesach

Question: Why were the sticks in Pesachim 5:9 muktzah if they were designated to a use that was also needed on Shabbos? Answer: Correct.  The answer to your question is that the halachos of muktza went thru a metamorphosis, and there were different severities to the gezeira at different times.  Originally since people weren’t careful […]

Pregnant women stepping on nails with shoes

Question: Is the issue of pregnant women stepping on nails only with bare feet? Answer: Not that I am aware of. The sources for not throwing one’s nails out ( Niddah 17a) are talking about throwing them in the street. It is the norm for people to walk with shoes etc. on thier feet when […]

When to start avelus

Question: Relative died in America. I am in Israel. Cannot go to funeral because of corona. They might consult me about burial (where to did it ect.) When does ז’ ימי אבילות start? משעה שנודע לו או מהקבורה? Answer: It is controversial when it starts, but if you are involved with the decision making etc. […]

Brushing Teeth After Afikoman

Question: One may not eat anything after eating the afikoman so that he does not lose the taste of the matzah from his mouth.[1] Does this also forbid one to brush his teeth, since that would remove the flavor from his mouth? [1] Shulchan Aruch 478:1; Mishnah Berurah §1. Answer: Brushing teeth on Yom Tov has […]

No roasted food on the night of the seder.

Question: Is sauce on the chicken or meat enough not to be considered roasted or do you need water? Answer: There is controversy among the Poskim if a little water will also be considered like a pot roast which is considered like roasting, or do we say that since it has some water in it, […]

Passing tuma from not washing negel vasser

Question: I would like to know: If someone doesn’t wash negel Vaser and touches someone does he become tuma? If so what does a person do when working with non religious people? And are you allowed to give a non religious person to make a brocho if they didn’t wash negel Vaser? Thank you Answer: […]

Can we listen to music on isru chag pesach

Question: Can we listen to music on isru chag pesach ? Answer: There are different minhagim as when to count the sefira days, if the days that you count sefira include isru chag then you should not listen to ,music then. The poskim discuss listening to music on Chol Hamoed, and some say not to, […]