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Severance Pay for Yeshiva Rabbeim

DOES A YESHIVA THAT CLOSES DOWN HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO GIVE SEVERANCE PAY TO ITS RABBEIM IF IT HAS MONEY AVAILABLE? Answer: Today it is generally customary to give severance pay, as obligatory according to secular law. However, there are several institutions that do not pay salaries “officially,” and which therefore claim to be exempted […]

Telling a Lie

is it muttar to lie to avoid an uncomfortable situation? e.g. you want to discontinue a business relationship (piano teacher or tutor etc..)& you don’t want to say that it’s because your dissatisfied with them u’kidomeh… Answer: It is permitted to lie for the sake of not hurting the teacher’s feelings. However, not every case […]

Pyrex Pans

About 15 yrs ago we moved to a different country and left our things in storage for around 7 years. Nothing was used. When we finally received our household items, some of the pyrex baking pans were mixed up and I could not recall if some of them were used for milchig or fleishig. The […]

Mexican Fish

We moved recently to Mexico. There is a frozen fish here with a Mexican hechsher. the fish is filleted and has no scales that can be seen. I called the Rabbi in charge of this particular hashgocha because the fish comes from china and he said they send a mashgiach there to watch things while […]

Repaying Dollars

i borrowed from someone Caanadian money is there any problem in paying him back in US Dollars? Answer: At the time of writing, 100 Canadian Dollars are worth around 96.5 USD. This means that somebody who borrowed 100 Canadian Dollars may not pay back 100 USD, because this would involve a prohibited payment of ribis. […]

Airplane Bathroom

Can one daven shacharis with talis and tefilin in the bathroom of an airplane? Answer: it is prohibited to enter a bathroom with one’s tefillin. It is likewise improper to enter a bathroom with one’s talis. It is also prohibited to daven in the bathroom. Instead, In-flight minyanim involve several problems, and sometimes the best […]

Sister’s Singing

can an adopted girl sing in front of her biological brother…they havent grown up together Answer: The fact that the brother and sister did not grow up together does not bear on their halachic status of brother and sister. The question does not mention the age of the girl, so I will answer for all […]

Forgiveness by Email

Is Mechila through email or instant message considered a complete mechila? Answer: There is a certain debate among authorities concerning whether mechilah requires an expression of forgiveness, or whether forgiveness of the heart is sufficient. Some point out the words of Rabbeinu Bachya (Bereishis 50:17) concerning Yosef’s brothers, who seems to imply that a statement […]

Newspapers on Shabbos

What exactly is the halacha regarding reading or looking at advertisements on Shabbos and Yom Tov? It seems that everyone is not very careful about this. Is there any room to be maykel? Answer: Mishnah Berurah(307:63) writes that there are those who are lenient concerning reading newspapers on Shabbos, but many acharonim are stringent because […]


Is there a reason to be makpid to pronounce a cholam in the proper way, “Oh”, and not the yeshivish way, “Oy”? ALso, in general, is it important to be very careful with grammar in davening? (e.g. milera or mileail, sheva na sheva nach..) It seems that most people (Americans at least) are not. Answer: […]

Bad music

Where is the gemara that talks about how bad music is and how it is asur to listen to music always? How is that to be undertstood? Obviously everyone nowadays listens to music a lot…. Answer: The Torah is very positive about music and the power of music. According to one opinion, the main role of […]

Spreading Perfume

When spraying perfume or cologne on Shabbos or Yom Tov, is it true that one may only spray it on the skin but not spread it around with one’s hand? Answer: There is no prohibition of spreading cologne or perfume after spraying on Shabbos. The prohibition of spreading cream and the like is on account […]

Foaming Soap

What exactly is the halacha regarding using liquid hand soaps on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Also, what about the kind becoming more popular nowawads- foaming hand soap, which foams as it comes out of the bottle? May these be used on Shabbos? Only on ones hands? What about the rest of the body? Answer: The […]

Daily Amen Quota?

Dear Bais Din: Although we are to recite 100 blessings daily, how many times must we answer AMEN? Thank you. Answer: Although there is no Talmudic source that indicates the number of times Amen should be answered each day, and it is no mentioned in the Ramban or Shulchan Aruch (see Orach Chaim 46:3 concerning […]