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Shabbos – She’hiya – Leaving Food on a Fire from before Shabbos

Introduction One of the Rabbinic prohibitions connected to the melacha of bishul (cooking) is the prohibition of Shehiya, leaving uncooked or partially cooked food on an open flame from before Shabbos to remain on the stove until one needs it on Shabbos. The Gemorah ((גמ’ שבת יח. ת”ר פותקין מים לגינה ע”ש עם חשיכה ומתמלאת […]

Berachos – Ikar & Tafel

This guide is based on the Shiurim given by Rabbi A. Wiesenfeld at Yeshivas Tiferes Chaim הלכות עיקר וטפל Generally, when eating foods from different categories, one is required to make two separate berachos. However, sometimes only one beracha will be required on both of them ((שנינו במתניתין (ברכות מד.) זה הכלל כל שהוא עיקר ועמו […]


The Torah forbids cooking meat and milk together, eating such cooked foods, or even gaining benefit from it.[1] For many of us, these mitzvos have become second nature. We are familiar with the signs of a kosher kitchen: the separate counters, the marked pots, the drawers labeled “milk,” “meat,” or “pareve.” Yet few observant Jews […]

Shabbos – Hatmana – Insulating Foods Before and on Shabbos

Introduction   In earlier times, people did not possess their own ovens. Before Shabbos they would take their pots of food to the communal oven, and would pick them up shortly before Shabbos or on Shabbos (if there was an Eruv). In order to keep the food warm, they would wrap the pots with blankets […]

Shabbos – Chazara – Returning Food to Heat on Shabbos

Introduction According to the Torah, food may be removed directly from the fridge and heated up on Shabbos as long as the food is fully cooked and dry so there is no problem of bishul – cooking. However, Chazal made a fence that one should not return food, even to the same source of heat […]