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Hashkafah about Tefillos on Rosh Hashanah

Question: Why do we find so little tefillos for the umos haolam on the yomim noraim with the exception of uvechen ten pachdecha and meloch? For example, we say uchsov lechayim tovim kol benei verisecha which includes only klal yisroel. This question has bothered me. Thank you very much and a kesivah vachasimah tovah! Answer: […]

Gender Issue

Question: It Is common in (Western) society for men to shake hands with other men in social and business contexts and it is known that there is a prohibition for men to shake hands with women, indeed, to have any contact with women (other than one’s spouse, children). What happens if a man comes across […]

Minimal amount for marital relations

Question: Is there a minimal amount of time which a husband must have marital relations? What if the husband does very infrequently and the wife does not complain? Answer: Most choson and kallah teachers teach twice a week. The important thing is that there should be harmony and no ill feelings between the couple. If the […]

Can children build forts on Shabbos out of cushions and blankets?

Question: Can children build forts on Shabbos using forts and blankets? Is it Boneh or Ohel? Answer: Even though it is only a temporary ohel (tent) it is still forbidden on Shabbos. The question is after it has been made can one dismantle it. Some say that the child cannot prohibit the usage of the […]

Regarding wine barrel aged grain spirits, malt liquors, and beers…

Question: Regarding wine barrel aged grain spirits, malt liquors, and beers, if the barrel has been cleaned and scraped as required by FDA and Health department standards, is the barrel still nosein ta’am to the point of an issur? in other words, now that the barrel has been cleaned and scraped (kdei klipa), does the […]


Question: L’Kvod Harav Shlit”a, My question is regarding two nekudos: 1) is pronouncing a tzeirei like a segel problematic (example: saying yisroel instead of yisroail; shomer instead of shomair; etc. and 2)is saying “laymur” instead of “laymoir”; “kul” instead of “koil”(as in “einei koil”); etc. a problem? Thanks! Answer: The Sephardim do not differentiate between […]


Question: Reuven makes Kiddush on wine Friday night. When Reuven says the bracha of hagofen, he has in mind additional wine that he will drink during the seuda. Later, Shimon his guest comes in. Shimon did not hear Kiddush yet and doesn’t know how to say it. When Reuven makes Kiddush for Shimon and Reuven […]


Question: One washes for bread at work and says al netilas yadayim. While walking to his desk etc., one is asked a question or approached by a supervisor, coworker, asked to step into someone’s office to look at something…. What is the appropriate response to avoid a hefsek and simultaneously avoid offending people? Answer: איזהו […]


Question: If one eats a banana on Shabbos and the peel remains in his hand, with no edible remnants, is it muktzah? What about a candy wrapper, once the candy has been removed? Or grapes, where you ate them and only the stem is left? Since it is still in your hand, can you take […]

Unavoidable light sensors in my apartment on Shabbat

Question: I recently rented an apartment and when I came home on my first Shabbos I noticed that the only entrance is equipped with motion detector lights. I did a bit of research on this site and didn’t find anything specific to my situation. I can’t turn them off beforehand (and even if I did […]

caffeine suppositories

Question: Are caffeine suppositories permissible on Yom Kippur? Thank you Answer: Although one is allowed to use caffeine suppositories on erev Yom Kippur to make the fast easier, on Yom Kippur one should refrain from using them unless the fast causes excessive suffering or there is a possibility that the fast will be broken. Sources: Teshuvas Chelkas […]

New motion detector without red light

Question: If this new detector does not have a light to show movement, is there a chashash of a Shabat transgression when walked in front of it? Answer: Since you do not care about whether or not your motion is detected and it is non a certainty that you are always close enough for it […]


Question: If a hat is hanging on a tree on Shabbos, and subsequently falls off by itself or is removed by a goy, may one wear this hat on Shabbos? I remember learning in Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen’s sefer that an object on a tree bein hashemashos is muktzah the whole day, since it is […]

Abarbanel on “Ad Hayom Hazeh”

Question: In his introduction to Neviim Rishonim, Abarbanel uses the phrase “ad hayom hazeh” to disagree with Bava Basra 14/15 about who wrote the books of Neviim Rishonim. The phrase “ad hayom hazeh” appears in Chumash too. Surely he’s not saying that later authors wrote the books of Chumash (see his comments to Bemidbar 21). […]