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Parashas Ki Tisa – Halachos of Machatzis Ha-Shekel

Dwelling on the opening of the parashah, and in tune with the time of the year—on an ordinary year, the custom of machatzis ha-shekel would be performed this week—this week’s article discusses the laws and intricacies of the custom. What is the meaning and function of the half-shekel donation? Who must donate, and to whom is the donation given? When must the donation be made, and what must its value be? These questions, and more, are discussed in this week’s article.

Parshas Teruma – Halachos of the Western Wall

In this week’s parashah, Parashas Terumah, the Torah begins to define the Mishkan (Tebernacle) and its vessels, and instruct Moshe in their construction. Befitting the theme of the parashah, we dwell this week on the laws of the Western Wall. Was the Western Wall part of the Temple, or the Temple Mount? Is somebody who is ritually defile (tamei) permitted to approach the Wall? It is permitted to place one’s fingers (or a note) between the crevices of the Wall? May one derive benefit from the Wall? These questions, and more, are discussed in the weekly article.

Parashas Yisro – The Righteous Convert

Two aspects of this week’s parashah connect the weekly reading with the highly contemporary issue of conversion to Judaism. One is the tale of Yisro, the first person to convert to the nascent nation of Israel. The other is the giving of the Torah at Sinai, the source from which the Talmud derives the basic laws of conversion. We therefore take the opportunity to discuss the halachic aspects of conversion and, in particular, the question of mitzvah acceptance on the part of the proselyte. To what extent must the convert accept upon himself the yoke of mitzvah fulfillment? Must we address the sincerity of the proselyte, or can his words be taken at face value? Must he accept upon himself all mitzvos? How, indeed, is the acceptance defined? These questions, and more, are discussed in this week’s article.

Tu Bishvat – More Than a Matter of Fruit

Unlike Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot, Tu Bishvat is not a Torah festival. And unlike Hanukkah and Purim, it is not even a rabbinic festival. However, as will be explained below, it has received partial festival status, and is commemorated by a number of fascinating customs. The day of Tu Bishvat, certainly for Jews in the […]

Parashas Beshalach – Working and Learning

In this week’s Parashah we read the passage of the manna, which is known to be a segula fo parnasah. Yet, the segulah of reading the passage of the manna cannot be effective if one makes no effort to earn an income. The question that this week’s article discusses is how much effort should one make? What, if any, is the degree to which working for a living should be combined with the study of Torah? Is it better to entirely dedicate oneself to Torah, or is it better to combine it with working for a living? For those who do combine the two, what is the ideal way of doing so? These questions, and other details that pertain to this delicate issue, are discussed in the weekly article.

Va’eira: Changing Halachah in a Changing World?

This week’s parashah begins to chronicle the miracles in Egypt. In regular times, however, the order of nature, which Hashem directs yet does not interfere with, controls the world. Yet, There are a number of differences between the natural world of today and the phenomena described by Chazal, which present poskim with a halachic dilemma. Many halachos in Chazal and the poskim are based on the nature of the world as perceived by our Sages. Many have questioned the status of such halachos, in light of our modern understanding of the world. How should we relate to the halachic rulings of Chazal and poskim that are at odds with modern scientific findings? Are there some halachos that change, while others remain constant? What will be the ruling in case of matters that Chazal considered dangerous, yet we view as being innocuous? These questions, and others, are addressed in this week’s article.

Mikva Talk

Is on allowed to talk in the Mikvah area whether dressed or not, and in the Mikvah itself. Also, may one tell over this “halachah” in the mikvah area? Answer: It is permitted to speak in the mikvah, even while naked. Ben Ish Chai (Bo) writes that one should preferably not speak before immersion, focussing […]

Facebook Advertising

I recently started a website marketing a certain product. Technically, Facebook advertising allows for me to target my competitor(s) “fans” on facebook (fans = those who in the past clicked that they “like” a website and are usually strong potential customers). What is the halachic opinion regarding using this type of advertising? Answer: It is permitted […]

Shemoneh Esrei or Birkos Shema

If one only has enough time before זמן תפלה to daven ברכות קריאת שמע or שמונה עשרה, what should he daven? Answer: One should not daven Shemoneh Esrei immediately, but rather proceed according to the regular order of davening. After completing Birkos Shema, one may continue to daven Shemoneh Esrei until chatzos, though this does not […]

Wool or Denim?

As a frum woman I understand what tznius is but what I don’t understand is the issue of denim vs. wool, or something dark pink vs. black or blue. Tznius, is not exposing parts of one’s body that should be covered. Tzninus is how one conducts oneself, then why is wearing a denim skirt not […]

Does a Lender’s Handing Over Exempt the Borrower?

I borrowed a sefer from a friend who brought it to me from his house. Is his bringing it to me considered ba’lav e’mo? I was thinking that the mishna in Baba Metziya 98b only says that b’yad b’no avdo and shlocho is mechayev the shoel, but maybe b’yad ba’lov mamesh would be sha’ayla b’ba’lim […]