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Rulings in Choshen Mishpat

The mishna berurah is the what most people consider the authority for Orach Chaim. I wanted to ask what is the authority for Choshen Mishpat, if there is one? What sefer to rabbonim consult, other than the Shulchan Aruch or Aruch HaShulchan for Choshen Mishpat halacha or questions.
Thank you.


There is no definitive sefer on Choshen Mishpat that it is customary to rule according to.

The methodology of ruling for Choshen Mishpat is often more complex, because each case is different and involves a combination of various issues.

Having defined a question as hinging around a dispute between the Ketzos or Nesivos, we will look in Teshuvos to see how most poskim rule, and will also decide how to apply the dispute to the practical question.

Another factor is the issue of Kim Li which applies specifically to Choshen Mishpat.

Best wishes.

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