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Dor Haflogoh


I have to write an essay and I have to include Halachos. My Topic is Dor Haflagah, are I searched for Halachos, but I couldn’t find any. Are there any Halachos that have something to do with Dor Haflagah or building something?



Although this site is not meant to do research, rather for halachic questions, nevertheless, here is a quick idea. The people of Bavel joined together to rebel against Hashem. See Rambam Hilchos Teshuva 4-5, that it is considered a sin to join together with wicked people. This is because the person will learn from their corrupt ways. In fact, he says that it is a sin that it is hard to do teshuva for it, because the person gets attached to their ideas, and it becomes difficult to separate oneself from it afterwards. This is why we daven every morning, after saying berachos, that Hashem should save us from bad people and their negative influences on us. It should be noted that the Rambam is a halacha sefer, and he considers it a sin, that needs teshuva. He is not writing it as a mere good idea or a hashkafa.

Best wishes


 רמב”ם הלכות תשובה פרק ד הלכה ה “ומהן חמשה דברים העושה אותם ימשך אחריהם תמיד וקשים הם לפרוש מהן, לפיכך צריך אדם להזהר מהן שמא ידבק בהן והן כולן דעות רעות עד מאד… והמתחבר לרשע מפני שהוא לומד ממעשיו והן נרשמים בלבו, הוא שאמר שלמה ורועה כסילים ירוע”


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1 Comment

  1. Hatzlacha on your essay! You might also consider adding the Gemara Sanhedrin (109a) – אמר רבי יוחנן מגדל שליש נשרף שליש נבלע שליש קיים אמר רב אויר מגדל משכח אמר רב יוסף בבל ובורסיף סימן רע לתורה מאי בורסיף אמר ר’ אסי בור שאפי: Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The uppermost third of the tower was burned, the lowermost third of the tower was swallowed into the earth, and the middle third remained intact. Rav says: The atmosphere of the tower causes forgetfulness; anyone who goes there forgets what he has learned. As a result of the building of the tower, forgetting was introduced into the world. Rav Yosef says: Babylonia and the adjacent place, Bursif, are each a bad omen for Torah, i.e., they cause one to forget his knowledge. The Gemara asks: What is the meaning of Bursif? Rabbi Asi says: It is an abbreviation of empty pit [bor shafi].
    This is quoted by Rav Chaim Kanievsky in the back of Siach HaSadeh 1 in Sefer Hazikaron about things that is an issue regarding forgetting your learning.

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