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Damage to plastic box while doing therapy


I work as a physical therapist, I was working with a child in her house. As part of the session, I removed a plastic box of toys from the shelf and put it down. I may have put it down too hard, and afterward I noticed a slight crack on the bottom of the box. But maybe the crack was there beforehand. Do I
need to tell them about it? Do I have any chiyuv here? (One more detail: I had placed my own stepstool on the floor initially, and placed the box on the stepstool, not the floor. I don’t know if that would change anything)
Thank you



I work as a physical therapist, I was working with a child in her house. As part of the session, I removed a plastic box of toys from the shelf and put it down. I may have put it down too hard, and afterward I noticed a slight crack on the bottom of the box. But maybe the crack was there beforehand. Do I need to tell them about it? Do I have any chiyuv here? (One more detail: I had placed my own step stool on the floor initially, and placed the box on the step stool, not the floor. I don’t know if that would change anything)
Thank you



Unless you put it down in a crazy way, like just dropping it, you are not liable to pay or to say anything to the owner. If you put the box down in a normal way, it is considered the normal use of the box, and you are not liable.

Best wishes


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