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Making New Berachah for Continual Drinking

1- I take antibiotics and was told to drink a lot of water, do I have to make a s’hakol every time I drink water.

2- If my mouth and throat are dry and I take sips of water to relieve the dryness, do I Make a s’hakol each time.

Do any of the poskim mention this question?

Respectfully yours,

Zvi Will


1) No, you should only make a shehakol if you are actually thirsty, and desire water irrespective of the antibiotics. If you aren’t thirsty, do not make any berachah.

2) For a dry throat, which creates a sensation of thirst, you should make a berachah the first time you drink. If you do not change your place, and you sip continually every now and again, you should not make a new berachah every time you drink.

Even if you will have to leave the room on occasion, you should have intent when you make the berachah for the first time that you plan to continue drinking despite coming in and out. With this intention, no new berachah is required upon leaving (say, to the bathroom) and coming back. However, if you leave the building to go outdoors, a new berachah is required when you come back and drink again.

These halachos are elucidated by the Shulchan Aruch and the Mishnah Berurah.

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