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Chinuch in Devarim Shebikdusha

Is there an actual halachic category of L’Shem Chinuch? – meaning that one must train children in performing mitzvot? There is the idea of 11 and 12 year olds fasting a part of the day on Yom Kippur, is there the idea halachically that a group of children under the age of Bar Mitzvah, or a group with some Bar Mitzvah age and some not – but there not being a minyan of 10 over Bar Mitzvah – of still saying parts of the service that a minyan is needed such Barechu and kaddish and kedusha in order to train the children in saying those parts? My question is Is it permissible for such a group to say those parts of the service even though a minyan does NOT exist but say them anyway for chinuch?
What would be the parameters of the idea of L’Shem Chinuch?
Please send sources.

Thank you very much.


Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggros Moshe, Orach Chaim 2, 98) addresses this question, and explains that there is a Torah law that kaddish and kedushah are not recited without a minyan (of ten men), and therefore there is no room to permit this.

He does not explain the principle of chinuch involved in this matter. However, it appears that the rationale is that there is no obligation of chinuch in matters that children are by definition excluded from.

Sefer Ratz Ke-Tzvi (Yerach Eisanim 24) suggests (based on a conversation with Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman) that the concept of chinuch does not apply to communal mitzvos.

Best wishes.

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