Shalom from Jerusalem...
I bought some used ceramic kitchen ware at Emuna bazaar this morning...pitchers pottery serving plates....what can I do to be able to use I need to kasher them and can I use them at all?
Pitchers and other things that are not used with hot foods are alright, but plates etc.that are used with hot foods do have an issue to be used for foods, because ceramic pottery can not be kashered. They can be used for other things though.
Best Wishes
Shulchan Aruch O:CH 451-1
Additional reading:
- Earthenware plates used for non kosher food can one eat from them
- Can one kasher the glass lid of a stainless steel pot?
- Kashering kalim and small appliances that were previously owned by a non-Jew...
- Is toiveling necessary after kashering?
- Hot Dairy in a Pareve Glass Blender with Metal Blades
- Diary fork made treif and kashered too early
- Kashering of Knives