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Proof of Hashem2


Hi, I’m the guy who asked you for a proof of Hashem.
When I mentioned the fluke business what I really meant was who said it was Hashem maybe a different G-D (chas vesholom). I can never know for sure that when my tefillos get answered it was him? Plus more often than not I ask for things and they don’t happen. Maybe that’s because flukes aren’t common. I dont want to do mitzvos my whole life only to come up there and Yoshki (G-D forbid) is standing there and sentences me to hell or the Muslim G-d. If there are so many Muslims and Christians out there obviously they are right or what makes us right just because I have been brainwashed as a kid to believe so?




Once you have reached the understanding that the world, that we same way everyone understands that an ordinary pen, did not happen by itself, and no rational person will even say, that it was a one in a trillion billion chance that it did. So too the world we live in, which is millions of times more complex than an ordinary pen, obviously was created by someone, and didn’t happen by itself.

The next step, what you are now asking, is much easier to understand. There is a colossal difference between Judaism, and every other religion, and that is that all other religions, (and we will use Catholicism, and Muslims as an example), the religion started off by one person saying, “believe in me, I am a prophet”, “G-d came to me in a dream”. But who says? Maybe he is a liar? Judaism on the other hand is totally different, Judaism is the only religion, that makes a claim that 600,000 people saw Hashem, and witnessed and experienced, the giving of the Torah. This is all documented in the Torah. Moshe told the Jews (Devorim 4), “don’t ever forget what you saw on Har Sinai, the fire, the darkness, the voice of Hashem speaking from within the fire… and you heard Him telling us His commandments…”. No one argued with this. No one said, it isn’t true, I was there then and it didn’t happen. In fact, at least a thousand years after the giving of the Torah. no one denied it’s being given.  Not Jews not gentiles! In fact, even the Catholics, and Muslims don’t deny it, they just say it is true, Hashem gave the Jews the Torah, however later he “changed his mind…”.

Imagine someone nowadays will deny the twin towers blowing up, will anyone believe him? No, because too many people saw it, and no one came around and said that all the newspapers are just trying to blame ISIS in order to fight against them. A historical event that was witnessed by millions of people will not be denied by those living in that generation. And when that generation will document it, and tell it to their children etc., we accept that as a historical fact.

No you are not being brainwashed, you can check the facts out yourself, and see if there is any other religion, that makes such a claim.

Additionally, there are numerous things written in the Torah, that if a mere mortal person would be writing it, and “made it up”, it would be crazy, and impossible for him to write. For example, a piece from this week’s parsha. Hashem tells the Jews, that if they won’t keep the Torah, they will be severely punished, and the Torah enumerates exactly what will happen in a thousand years to come. It says there that they will lose the land, but that even though they will be killed, and scattered among all the nations, they will still not be forgotten. How can any mortal person guarantee something like that?!

Another example, from last week’s parsha. Hashem commands the Jews, who lived an agricultural lifestyle, to stop all work for two years straight, Shmitta (the Sabbatical year) and then Yovel (the Jubilee). Then, He tells them, (Vayikra 25-20) “And if you will ask, what will we eat during that period? Don’t worry I will don’t command by bounty on you and what you planted in the sixth year will last for 3 years”. What human being, making up a religion, would be able to say something like this? Unless these words are coming straight from the one who is in total control of the entire world, and the one who can carry it out.

There is a lot to say on this topic, but I think this is enough for now.

Best wishes


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