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Generic Berachos

Is there any generic beracha that can be said performing a mitzvah for which there isn’t a specific Beracha instituted?

For example, I started a small Torah website for my community that will feature a weekly dvar Torah.

It seemed right, before purchasing the domain, that I should make some sort of beracha, but wasn’t sure which one to make.

I know some have the custom to make ‘v’yhi noam’ and ‘l’shem yichud, etc’ but was wondering if there was anything specific, perhaps comparable to the ‘l’shem mitzvah tzit-tzit’ that one makes before tying tzit-tzit..


Firstly, congratulations on starting the new website.

The basic berachah for new beginnings is shehecheyanu, thanking Hashem for bringing us to this time. However, starting a new website is not a ‘purchase’, and does not fall under the classic categories of shehecheyanu. For this reason, it would be proper to but a new fruit, clothing, etc., and make shehecheyanu for the fruit and the site together.

Saying l’shem mitzvah or vihi no’am is a form of prayer, dedicating one’s deeds for the sake of Heaven, and asking for Divine assistance. This is always good.

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