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Heated Cold Soup on Shabbos

If someone took a cold chicken soup out of the fridge on Shabbos and put it onto a platta, what’s the din *b’dieved*? And why?


Because the soup was cold, and it was brought to boil on Shabbos — presumable inadvertantly, meaning without knowledge that this is forbidden — it follows that the soup is only permitted after Shabbos. However, under extenuating circumstances, the soup will be permitted even on Shabbos, based on the opinions that are lenient.


See Shulchan Aruch 318:4 and Mishnah Berurah 29 concerning re-heating cooked liquid on Shabbos. The Gra, as cited by the Mishnah Berurah (7), is lenient, and one can rely on this under extenuating circumstances. See also Shaar Ha-Tzion 253:33, who is stringent concerning shehiya, but for bishul one can apparently rely on the above ruling of the Gra and the Mishnah Berurah.

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  1. There are 2 points here. The problem of bishul and the problem of chazara/nasina b’tachila.

    The problem of bishul seemingly doesn’t start. Since we have the de’ah of many Rishonim (Ran, Rashba, Rambam) that ain bishul achar bishul b’davar lach even if it was completely cold together with the fact that he put it back on b’shogeg (can be somach on the Gra and M”B. The SA HaRav also holds this by an issur d’rabbanan that b’shogeg you can still have haneh from it on Shabbos and according to many Rishonim there is no issur here at all of bishul) so in regards to bishul there should be no problem.

    Now what about the issur that was done here of chazara/nasina b’tichilah. Even chazara that was done b’shogeg on Shabbos is ossur b’dieved (the heter of the Gra of course falls off here. So how could we be matir mitzad this?

    A normal case of chazara that we have a pot that was sitting on the fire when Shabbos came in, we take it off and for example was put down on the floor. If b’shogeg the person put it back on the fire even though chazarah b’shogeg is ossur however in that case we could be somach on what it says in the Biur Halacha and SA HaRav that it has to be chazara that’s ossur l’culeh alma and according to the shitas HaRan (brought in Rema) there was no issur chazarah over here. However in my case even the Ran/Rema would agree since the soup was sitting in the fridge from Erev Shabbos. When discussing this shailo it’s a point that many miss and I’m still in sofek about this. If you have any additional thoughts please share!

    I have another point on the tzad of being matir the chazara/nisana b’tichla part however I’d like to see your thoughts first on this….

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