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Kashering Blender

I have a food processor, it's plastic with metal blade; accidentally put "meaty" spice inside the blender; how can I 'kasher' it so it can make only 'parve stuff'?


If the spice was sharp (such as garlic), or if the mixture was hot, you should wait twenty-four hours, and then perform hag'alah (immersion in boiling water) for all parts that came into contact with the spice.

If this is not practical, you should wait 24 hours, after which time parve foods placed in the blender will nonetheless remain parev (though if there is intention to eat the foods directly with dairy foods, the blender should not be used).

Note that some poskim (including Rav Moshe Feinstein) write that hag'alah should not be performed for platic, but the majority of poskim are lenient, and one can certainly be lenient after 24 hours. If one wishes to add an extra stringency, one can immerse the vessel three times in boiling water (preferably changing the water each time).

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