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This weekly parasha series is meant to create meaningful, interactive discussions for the whole family at the Shabbos table. The  format begins with a story intended to attract the children’s attention. It presents a halachic dilemma that is connected to the weekly parasha. A discussion section follows that is organized in a question and answer format. Finally, an epilogue is presented that illustrates how the story’s characters applied the relevant halacha to their dilemma. The content will hopefully be interesting for both children and adults.Every family has its own unique character. In order to maximize the potential of the Dvar Torah for your family, we recommend that you first review the content and ‘customize’ the text according to your audience. Consider changing the details of the story (e.g. character names) to ones that will be of greater interest to your family. While the story is meant to be appreciated by even the youngest members of the family, the questions can vary in complexity, and you should use your discretion to focus on the ones that are most likely to be appreciated by your audience.

We welcome any feedback/suggestions.

Sincerely, Joshua and Tammy Kruger

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeff

Parashas Tazria – Tattletaling

Parshas Shemini – Visiting a Shiva

Parashas Tzav – Blood

Parashas Vayikra – Salt

Parashas Pekudei

Parashas Vayakhel – Garbage on Shabbat

Parshas Ki Tisa – Half Shekel

Parshat Vayeitzeh – Ma’aser

Parashas Toldos – Washing a Kohen’s Hands

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