I was removing my mezuzas to get them checked after about four years, And I was shocked to find that one of the mezuzas cases was empty. I'm generally overly careful regarding matters like this, and I don't know how I could have possibly put up an empty case. In any event, was I oveir a deoraisa for all this time? Is it considered a violation for each moment or one generally violation?
Although it is considered a violation for each moment, your case does not seem to be one of negligence. Therefore it is considered bi'onus (beyond your control), and you should just try to make sure that it doesn't happen again.
All the best
Minchas Chinuch 423 says that not having a mezuza when necessary is a violation every single moment.
Something is wrong here.
X number of mezuza cases, should have had a corresponding X number of mezuza parchments.
If one empty case was affixed, there would have been an extra parchment left over.
If there wasn't any extra parchment left over, why was that "oness", and not "shogeg"?
Was there a mistake in the amount of parchments purchased?
Did one parchment get mislaid, and was never found?
Did the person check each mezuza case, before affixing it, to make sure that it contained a parchment?
Thank you for your comment. My understanding of the question is that it is an ones.
We can agree to disagree, but you seem to be be contradicting yourself in the very same sentence.
"Therefore it is considered bi’onus (beyond your control), and you should just try to make sure that it doesn’t happen again."
If something happened "beyond your control", then that there is nothing that you can do in the future, to make sure that a similar thing won't happen again.
There is no question that this is an 'onus' and included in the concept of לא הוה ליה לאסוקי אדעתיה, as is evidenced by his shock, and the words he used in his question.
Regarding your point- From now on it might not be considered an 'onus' since he realizes that this scenario is a possibility. In addition, although no kaparah is needed (רמ"א יו"ד קפ"ה) there also a concept of על חטא שחטאנו לפניך באונס and the best קבלה על העתיד is to be more careful in this regard. Furthermore, this is a question in Darchei Hora'ah and I am unfortunately unable to have a prolonged discussion in this setting.
Wishing you much hatzlacha!
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