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Questions related to hand washing


1) If there are two reasons that I need to wash hands should I wash two times, or just once?

For example:
a) waking up from nighttime/daytime sleep and using the bathroom
b) using the bathroom and before marital relations

2) If when washing hands, the water doesn’t cover all of the fingers, can I use the cup to pour on that side again (so it would be twice on that hand before going to the next hand)?
a) Is that the same when washing a child’s hands?
b) Does that apply to all halachic hand washing? (for ruach ra, cleanliness or before relations, before a bread meal)

Thank you so very much!


1. When we are washing our hands for cleanliness,or ruach ra such as after the bathroom, or after touching a covered part of the body, once is enough for both washings, not much different then when your hands got dirty from mud and chocolate, that you don’t have to wash your hands twice. There is one exception though, when using the bathroom before washing for a meal. This is not because of the washing part, but because of an issue that we have to make two brachos, al netilas yodayim and asher yotzar.  When waking up in the morning, you should wash your hands before using the bathroom, because we are not allow to touch any holes of he body ,and we really should not be touching anything before washing our hands. Therefore wash your hands, use the bathroom, and then wash again.

2. Yes you can, because if you didn’t cover all the fingers it isn’t considered as if you washed it. This would apply to an adult or when washing a child. It will apply for all types of hand washing for cleanliness. Regarding washing for a meal, you should be extra careful to get the whole hand, and even use a lot of water each time you wash each hand. The reason for this is because making both brachos after washing for a meal will be a hefsek.


M:B 4-38, O:CH 165-1


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