I want to go from here to here on shabbos is it within the techum, with some breathing room.,+Main+Street,+Manchester,+VT/Chabad+of+Bennington+County,+171+Sargent+Ln,+Manchester,+VT+05254/@43.1553538,-73.0801944,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e05fced641ea75:0x3c38ede3f3b38cea!2m2!1d-73.072564!2d43.1621955!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e05e44680995bd:0x95e853235c8c9b72!2m2!1d-73.0701758!2d43.1485244!3e2?entry=ttu
The techum shabbos would be about .6 of a mile, which is roughly a kilometer, which is a lot less than the distance between the two places. It is possible however to make an eruv techumin, in a place that is less than 1 kilometer away from where you are staying, but less than a kilometer away from where you want to go. (The kilometer is measured not on the ground but thru the air) therefore it is quite possible that you can make an eruv techumiin to be able to go to where you want, but it would be tight.
Best wishes
Why would the techum start from the place where he is staying? It seems to be in the middle of a town with some other houses and buildings for part of the way.
Correct. If that is the case then the techum would star later, or possibly not at all. from the map that was sent, it didn’t appear to be in a town, rather a rural area.
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