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Store Open on Shabbos

Hi, Thank you very much for taking the time to reply my question at, With respect to meats that are Torah prohibited, would a Jewish store owner be allowed to shift ownership and control of such items by making an agreement with a non-Jew? Or can the jewish store owner carry/sell such items if […]

Owning Store that Sells Non-Kosher Food

Is a Jew allowed to own a local convenience store that also stock’s/sell’s some non-Kosher products? Thanks! Answer: A Jew must refrain from owning a store that sells Torah prohibited non-Kosher products (such as non-Kosher meat, or products that were made by cooking together meat and milk). However, under extenuating circumstances, where a person’s income […]

Selling non-Kosher Food

Hi, I would greatly appreciate if the Rabbi can kindly clarify the following halachic question; is it permissible for a jew to own a local convenience/mini grocery store that also stock’s/sell’s some non-Kosher products? Thanks so much! Answer: It is not permitted to sell non-kosher foods, but this applies specifically to Biblically prohibited foods and […]

Notarization Today

1 Is notarization recognized/used in Batei Dinim today or they have not much validity since there are not 2 eidim? 2 Do Beis Din today “mekayaim shtaros” as is discussed in Choshen Mishpat siman 46? Answer: 1. Yes, this is recognized because of the legal implications of notarization (similar to the idea of Shtaros or […]

Working for Hechsher

There are many hechsherim out there, some are given the status of ‘not reliable’ by non-partisan kashrus oversight agencies. Generally speaking, would it be permissible for a shomer mitzvos Jew who needs an income to work for such a hechsher, knowing that he himself would not eat from the products they endorse? Answer: Many people […]

Birshut Maranan

Why by hallel for example does the chazan say Birshus Moray Verabosai, and why does the kahal answer back Shamayim? Answer: This custom, which is practiced mainly in Sefardic communities, reflects the need for the Chazan “receiving permission” from the congregation, and the congregation giving their permission “from the Heavens.” Best wishes.  

Two Shadchanim

If 2 shadchanim redt the same girl to a person, can the person select the 2nd shadchan to go with or he must use the first one? Assuming that no communication has been initiated yet between the shadchan & the girl. Answer: If a person is more comfortable with the second shadchan for continuing with […]