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Time of Tzeis

What are the different shitos regarding Tzeis Hakochavim (nightfall) as per how many minutes it begins from Shekia (sunset)? Answer: There are several opinions concerning this matter. According to the Geonim the time of tzeis is determined by a number of minutes after sunset as we see it. The number of minutes is three quarters […]

Guns as Begged Ish

Are toy guns beged ish? Answer: No, they are toys. Moreover, even real guns are not “begged ish.” Although in the past weapons such as a sword might have been begged ish, women today wear guns as police officers and soldiers, and this is the normal way for them just as for men. Best wishes.

Bugs in Puree

Hi Rabbi, If you purée anything that it’s not possible to have a whole bug in it. Is that allowed to be used without checking? The Halacha applies to eating a bug in its entirety in its natural form. Is that correct? Thank You. Answer: Yes, this is correct. However, with regard to foods that […]

Fish with Dairy

Can someone fry fish in butter? Answer: Yes, there is no problem (for Ashkenazim) to fry fish in butter for those who are not particular for eating fish with milk. According to some Sefardi customs, based on the Beis Yosef (Yoreh De’ah 87:5), one should refrain from this because of health concerns of mixing fish […]

Middle Name for Kesuba

Rabbanim, My husband’s English name is “Brett”. He has always believed his Hebrew name is “Baruch”. Recently we came across a Hebrew naming certificate from his Bris that said his Hebrew first name is “Baruch” and his Hebrew middle name is “Yaacov”. Our Ketubah has his name listed as “Baruch ben Reuven” (without “Yaacov” and […]

Changing the Mazal

Is there any way to change one’s mazel? I have been afflicted with illness, loss of income, sick children, lack of success and much pain and stress. I had our mezuzzahs checked and they are fine. Thank you. Answer: The Gemara writes (citing one opinion, which is the mainstream opinion for later commentators and authorities) […]