Are we Machmir like the Taz that Kli Sheini causes Bliyos Uplitos unless it's Hefsed Meruba? Any Mareh Mekomos you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
The question of beliyos in a keli sheini is discussed by Rishonim, as brought in the Beis Yosef (Yoreh De'ah 105).
The Shulchan Aruch (105:2) writes that one should be stringent for the Rashba's opinion whereby there are beliyos (of a kelipah) for a keli sheini, but that bedieved one does not have to forbid the pot or the food (and there is no need even for "peeling off" the superficial layer - but one should wash off the food).
This is also the pesak of the Rema (68:11), though the Rema is also prepared to be lenient on a lechatchilah level, where there is a need such as for guests etc.
The Shach (105:5) writes that we are concerned in certain cases even on a bedieved level, unless there is a loss involved, though for metal utensils he is lenient for a bedieved level, whereas (as you note in the question) the Taz (and the Peri Chadash 68:18) are stringent (based on the Maharshal) for a beliya in the entire food. (see also Beis Meir, as cited in Darkei Teshuvah 105:62).
The principle halachah follows the opinions of the Shulchan Aruch and the Rema (as the Aruch HaShulchan 105:19 points out), and therefore one can be lenient bedieved.
Best wishes.