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Relief on Shabbos

Question: Is it permissible to urinate or defecate on grass or dirt during Shabbos? Answer: It is permitted to urinate on grass (O.C. 336:3). It is also permitted to defecate on grass or dirt in a city. In either case there is no concern that human waste is helping the plants grow (see last Biur […]

Preparing To Clean

Question: We are considering buying a mechanized dishwasher — but I am confused about a Shabbos-related issue. I often see families that are shomrei torah u-mitzvos wetting and brushing down their dirty dishes on Shabbos before placing them in the machine to be washed after Shabbos. Isn’t this forbidden because one is preparing on Shabbos for after […]

Don’t Be Blue on Shabbos

Question: Can I swish the toilet brush in the toilet with a bit of cleanser if it gets soiled on Shabbos? Answer: Cleaning a dirty toilet bowl with a toilet brush on Shabbos is permitted. ((אין כאן משום איסור טוחן כיון שנמס במים והולך לאיבוד (שש”כ פכ”ג הערה מ”ה). ובמברשות לאסלות המצויות בינינו שהם עשויים […]

Preparing For A Test On Shabbos

Question: If students have a Jewish history test on Sunday, are they permitted to study for the test on Shabbos? Answer: It is permissible to study a Torah subject on Shabbos even if you are studying in order to take a test during the week. The rationale is that you are acquiring the knowledge at […]

Trop for Maftir Yonah

Is the haftorah of Yonah on Yom Kippur leined with the regular haftorah trop, or does it have its own special trop? Answer: [To my knowledge the general custom is that] the regular trop is used. However, the reader ofter put special energies his reading, making the story come alive and inspiring the congregation to repent.

Spousal Bosis

Question: While we were learning hilchos Shabbos last week, my wife had the following question (regarding the point that someone else cannot make one’s possessions into a bosis since the other person has no right to effect a change). Can a husband cause something that his wife had been planning to use that Shabbos to be a bosis? […]

Altering a Song for Production

I am looking to develop and market a product using Jewsih music and am wandering how this works as far as using other peoples music trademarks, copyright, and so on. Can one use a song and just change it a little? Does one need permission from the original composer? Any direction would be really appreciated. […]

Paying for Elevator

In my apartment building there are 13 neighbours. Originally, 15 units were marketed. One person bought two and put them together, installing an internal staircase between the two units. Another neighbour subsequently aquired the apartment below him and put them together, too, in the same way. The first pays double Va’ad Bayit, although he says […]

Non-Public Park

Question: In an apartment complex in Romema called “Ganei Geula” there are signs up stating the park is only for Ganei Geula residents only – is it stealing to use the park and what about simply walking through it? Answer: Indeed, using the park in a manner that the residents don’t allow is not permitted. […]

Unpaid Bill

Question: We pay our water bills through horaat keva (standing order).  Recently, we received a bill, but the money was never removed from our bank account.  We spoke to the water company and their records show that the bill has been paid by horaat keva, and we spoke to the bank, who claims that there was no […]

Noisy Neighbours

Question: Two families live in a duplex (two family home) and share a wall on the ground floor and first floor. Family A complains that Family B is noisy and wants to install soundproofing. 1) Can family A force family B to share costs of soundprrofing? 2) Family A says that in order to install […]

Timing of the Repayment of A Deposit “Loan”

Question: One has an agreement which may be renewed on a yearly basis for services rendered and payments are made for those services per the agreement. With the commencement of the initial agreement, a loan (this is the provider’s terminology) of $1000.00 must be made to the provider of service; the receiver of the services […]