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Lift and Cut Shavers

Hi Rabbi, I wanted to know if I am allowed to use a shaver that has lift and cut technology? Whether the answer is yes or know, if you could please explain.


There can be a difference in the mechanism used by the shaver. Some poskim do not permit any electric shavers; some permit virtually all shavers, and some make a distinction in the mechanism.

There has been much discussion over lift-and-cut shavers. Many treat the lift and cut mechanism stringently, because it involves cutting the hair at skin level (the mechanism pulls the hair in), and there is no partition between the blade and the skin. Furthermore, whereas regular electric shavers use a scissor action to cut the hairs, which is sufficient according to some authorities to permit them, the lift and cut shavers use only a single blade to cut the hair. For further details, see (where advice is also given as to how a lift and cut shaver can be 'kashered').

Even according to the stringent opinions, which permit virtually all close electric shavers, one may use a trimmer, which leaves something of a stubble on the face. It is also permitted to use cream that removes hair from the face.

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