Someone who is suffering from an extreme case of diarrhea what is the din in regards to putting on Tefillin l'maseh. Let's say in a case where the person has to go up to 10 times a day. And throughout the whole day suffers from stomach pains. Are they patur? Are they chayiv? Must they find a "window of opportunity" to put on Tefillin for a short moment? At what point is a person patur l'maseh?
Somebody suffering from extreme diarrhea is exempt from wearing tefillin (see Shulchan Aruch 38:1-2).
If he feels better, to the degree that he can put tefillin on for the duration of reciting keriyas shema, he should do so, as the Shulchan Aruch rules (38:2).
The Aruch Hashulchan explains that for ordinary cases, this is certainly possible, and therefore a person should find a "window" and put on his tefillin where he can. However, this of course depends on the severity of the condition.