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Waiting for People to Bring Hands to Havdalah Candle

When one is making havdallah and makes the bracha on besamim many are of course careful to make sure everyone has smelt the basamim before making the bracha “boreh m’orei h’aish”… However after making the bracha “boreh m’orei h’aish” and everyone has not yet put their hands to the light of the candle must they be careful to not start the final bracha of havdallah before everyone has put their hands to the light of the candle?


There is no obligation to wait for everybody to bring their hands near to the candle; however, if people wish to do it, it doesn’t hurt to wait a moment, and this will ensure that they are focused on the final berachah of havdalah.


One reason for bringing hands near the candle is in order to ensure that one is close enough to benefit from the candle, and if the people hearing havdalah are close enough anyway, there is no need to wait for them to come closer.

Although there are additional reasons for bringing one’s hands close to the candle, there is no need to wait for this; however, as noted, it might be better to wait, to allow people who wish to bring their hands closer to focus on the final berachah.

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